The Sleepless is coming

I’m thrilled to (finally!) announce the upcoming publication of my debut novel, The Sleepless. It comes out June 2022 from Erewhon Books.

The official announcement from gives you an overview of what the book is about—lots of good stuff, and some commentary from me and my Hugo-nominated editor Sarah Guan:

There’s a lot going on in The Sleepless—a futuristic NYC, a world-changing pandemic, a mysterious death, capitalistic shenanigans, and so much more. As with most SF works that I admire, it’s not entirely about an alternate world or the future, but more about the way we live in the here and now. And just like my favorite noir stories, it’s got twists and reveals that I hope will keep you up all night.

I also want to highlight how queer and Filipino The Sleepless is. Our lead character Jamie is queer and so are other major characters; he’s also Filipino, and he’s one of a majority non-white cast. The story goes into what being Sleepless is like for him and for others like him, and how the condition can both be a blessing and a curse.

This book has been in the works for ages and I’m so excited to share it with you all. Summer will be here soon enough, but to tide us over in the coming months, I’ll be updating you with the book’s final cover, an excerpt from the first chapter(s), and details on how and where to pre-order your copy. (I might even do a giveaway or two!)

The best way to get those updates is to sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t yet. Lots of exciting stuff are up ahead, so I recommend that y’all be like the Sleepless and keep your eyes peeled!

Victor ManiboAnnouncements