New Release Date for The Sleepless

There’s been a slight change to the publication date for THE SLEEPLESS and unfortunately, our collective wait is going to be a bit longer than originally planned. I know, I know—June already feels like a long enough time, and now we all need to wait longer?!

The good news is that the delay is only for a few weeks: the new release date for THE SLEEPLESS is August 2, 2022.

If you have already pre-ordered the book, first of all, thank you! Second, you don’t need to worry or make any changes—your copy will arrive on or shortly after August 2 (depending on the shipping speed of your online retailer of choice).

If you have yet to pre-order, please consider doing so, by clicking below:

And if you’re curious as to the culprit for the delay, it’s something you all have probably heard about: the supply chain crisis. Disruptions in paper supply, labor shortages, and other factors have caused publishers to postpone book releases. It’s been quite common since last fall, and THE SLEEPLESS has been affected just as much as many other titles. If you’d like more context about this ongoing industry-wide problem, here is a helpful explainer.

As I’ve mentioned, this delay is not that long; I’ve heard other books get pushed out to another season completely, and so a six-week move is not bad at all. THE SLEEPLESS is still going to be a summer read, and I can’t wait for it to land on your hands in August.

Victor ManiboAnnouncements